When using the Settings app, do you have difficulty finding the phone settings you want or are you satisfied with your Android Settings app?The Android Quick Settings app is a powerful and convenient tool that provides users with instant access to essential functions and features on their Android devices. Designed for efficiency and ease of use, this app simplifies the way users interact with their smartphones or tablets. With a swipe down from the top of the screen, users can access a wide array of quick settings options, allowing them to toggle various functionalities like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, screen brightness, airplane mode, and more.➣Shortcuts to the following supported ⚙️setting items which are as follows:-◉Add Account Settings◉Accessibility Settings◉APN Settings◉Action Settings◉Alarm Scheduling Settings◉All File Access Settings◉Application Settings◉Airplane Mode Settings◉Android Main Module Settings◉App Search Settings◉Auto Rotate Settings◉Bluetooth Settings◉Biomatric Enabled Settings◉Data Roaming Settings◉Data Usages Settings◉Date & Time Settings◉Default Apps Settings◉Developer Option Settings◉Device Info Settings◉Display Settings◉DND Service Settings◉Home Settings◉Install Unknown Apps Settings◉Location Settings◉Manage Keyboard Settings◉Manage Media Settings◉Mobile Data Settings◉Modify System Settings◉NFC Settings◉NFC Payment Settings◉Network Operator Settings◉Notification Settings◉Notification Access Settings◉Night Mode Settings◉Overlay Permission Settings◉Physical Keyboard Settings◉Personal Dictonory Settings◉Privacy Settings◉Print Settings◉Quick Lunch Settings◉Quick Access Wallet Settings◉Regulatory Info Settings◉SIM Profile Settings◉SD Card Settings◉Screen Saver Settings◉Security Settings◉Sound & Vibration Settings◉Search Settings◉All Search Access Settings◉Storage Settings◉Sync Settings◉Usages Access Settings◉VPN Settings◉Virtual Reality Settings◉Video Cast Settings◉Video Captioning Settings◉Volume Control Settings◉Voice Input Settings◉Wi-fi Settings◉Wi-fi IP Settings◉Webview Settings◉Wireless Settings◉Work Policy Info Settings◉Write Settings➣Shortcuts to set items for specific apps are given in the⚙️Settings option:-◉Night Mode Settings◉Language Settings◉Device Settings◉System Settings◉Storage Settings◉Network SettingsDisclaimer:-This shortcut settings app is designed for convenience, providing quick access to essential features on Android devices. It aims to simplify user experience, but individual device compatibility and functionality may vary. Users should review the apps compatibility with their specific device before use, and discretion is advised.